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Thursday, 14 January 2016


Delegation of authority is “the process a manager follows in dividing the work assigned to him so that he performs that part which only he, because of his unique organisational placement, can perform effectively and so that he can get others to help with what remains”
}  It enables the manager to distribute their workload to others
}  Subordinates need not approach the boss every time
}  It helps to improve job satisfaction,motivation and morale of subordinates
}   Delegation increases inter actions and understanding among managers and subordinates
1)      Determination of results expected
2)      Assignment of duties
3)      Granting of authority
4)                              Creation of obligation
Determination of results expected
First of all, a manager has to define the results he wants to obtain from his subordinates for the achivement of  organisational objectives
Assignment of duties
The manager then assigns specific duties or tasks to each subordinates. He must clearly define the function of each subordinate.
Granting of authority
Authority is the right or power granted to an individual to make possible the performance of work assigned
subordinates are permitted to use resources, to take decisions and to exercise discretion
Creation of obligation
The subordinates to whom authority is delegated must be made answerable for the proper performance of assigned duties and for the exercise of delegated authority.
While delegating authority, a manager should  observe the following principles
  1. Functional definition
  2. Delegation by results expected
  3. Parity of authority and responsibility
  4. Absoluteness of responsibility
  5. Unity of command
  6. Authority level principle

Functional definition
Before delegating authority a manager should define clearly the function to be performed by subordinates. The objective of each job, the activities involved in it and its relationship with other jobs should be defined
Delegation by results expected
Authority should be delegated only after the results to be achieved by t he subordinates are decided. This will enable them to know by what standards their performance will be judged
Parity of authority and responsibility
There must be a proper balance between authority and responsibility of a subordinate. Authority and responsibility must be co-extensive
Absoluteness of responsibility
Responsibility cannot be delegated. No manager can avoid his responsibility by delegating his authority to subordinates.
Unity of command
At one time a subordinate should receive command and be accountable to only one superior. If a person reports to two superiors for the same job, confusion and conflict will arise.
Authority level principle
Authority level principle suggests that maintenance of intended delegation requires that decisions with in the authority  competence of individuals are made by them and not referred in the organisation structure
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