Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research.

Thursday, 14 January 2016


Ø  Integral part of the process of direction
Ø  Core of management
Ø  Effective instrument in the hands of management for inspiring the work force and creating confidence
Ø  Inspiring people to intensify their desire and willingness to execute their duties effectively
Ø  Productivity factor in industry.
ü  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
ü  Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory(Motivation-Hygiene Theory)
ü  Mc Clelland’s Three Need Model(Achievement Theory)
ü  Cognitive Evaluation Theory
ü  Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
ü  Goal Setting Theory
ü  Mc Gregore’s Theory X and Theory Y
ü  Self Efficacy Theory
Herzberg’s motivation – hygiene THEORY
Ø  Developed by Frederick Herzberg
Ø  Non-motivational Factors
ü  Motivators
ü  Hygiene factors / Dissatisfiers
Ø  Improving manager’s basic understanding of human behavior
Ø  One cannot achieve higher performance simply by improving wages and working conditions
v  Motivators                                                                              
Opportunities to become more experts & to handle  more demanding assignments
v  Hygiene factors
Ø              Prevent loss of money & efficiency
Ø              Provide no motivation to the employees
Ø              Help to maintain a reasonable level of satisfaction among   
Ø              Support employees mental health
Ø              Include wages,  fringe benefits, physical conditions,    overall administration, company policy etc
ü  Give strong motivation and high job satisfaction
ü   Their absence proves dissatisfiers
ü   Include achievements, recognition, advancement, work,     possibility of growth, responsibility etc
ü   Essential for increasing productivity
Criticisms of the theory:
®        The procedure that Herzberg used is limited by its   methodology.
®       The reliability of Herzberg’s methodology is questioned.
®       An overall measure of satisfaction is utilized.
®       The theory is inconsistent with previous research. It ignores situational variables.
®       Herzberg assumed a relationship between satisfaction not at  productivity.
Cognitive evaluation theory
q  The theory has been extensively researched, and a   large number of studies have been supportive.
q   Major implication for the theory is the way in which   people are paid in organizations.
q   Intrinsic motivators(achievement, responsibility   competence) are dependent of extrinsic 
              motivators(high pay, promotions, good supervisor  relations & pleasant working conditions)
q  Cognitive theory have major implications for managerial        practices.
q   If the theory is correct, it would make a sense to make an   individual’s pay non - contigents in performance to avoid decline in intrinsic motivation

q   Recent outgrowth of the cognitive evaluation theory is self-concordance – considers the degree to which people’s   reasons for pursuing goals are consistent with their interests and core values
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