Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research.

Monday, 18 January 2016


Personnel management is defined as a set of programmes, functions and activities designed to maximize both personal and organizational goals
Features of Personnel Management
       PM is concerned with employees, both as individuals, and as a group in attaining goals.
       It is concerned with the development of human resources
       PM covers all levels of employees and categories of employees. It covers both organized and unorganized employees
       It applies to the employees in all types of organizations in the world
       PM is a continuous process requiring constant reviewing, up gradation and integration
       Aims at attaining the goals of an organization, individual working therein and society in an integrated way.
       PM is a responsibility of all line managers and a function performed by staff managers across the organization
       It is concerned with managing human resources at work
       PM is the central sub-system of an organization
       Pm aims at securing unreserved cooperation from all employees
Functions of Personnel Management
1. Managerial Functions
2. Operative Functions
1. Managerial Functions
a)      Planning
b)      Organizing
c)      Directing
d)      Controlling
2. Operative Functions
a)      Procurement functions
b)      Development
c)      Motivation and compensation
d)      Maintenance
e)      Integration function
f)       Emerging issues
b) Development
  1. Training
  2. Executive development
  3. Career planning and Development
  4. Human Resource Development
c) Motivation and Compensation
  1. Job design
  2. Work scheduling
  3. Motivation
  4. Job evaluation
  5. Performance appraisal
  6. Compensation and administration
                            Incentives and benefits
d) Maintenance
  1. Health and safety
  2. Employee welfare
  3. Social security measures
e) Integration Function
  1. Grievance redressal
  2. Discipline
  3. Teams and teamwork
  4. Collective bargaining
  5. Employee participation and empowerment
  6. Trade unions and employee association
  7. Industrial relations
f) Emerging Issues

  1. Personnel records
  2. Human Resource Audit
  3. Human Resource Research
  4. Human Resource Accounting (HRA)
  5. Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
  6. Stress and Counseling
  7. International Human Resource Management
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