Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Strategic planning is the process of thinking through the current mission of the organization and the current environmental conditions facing it, and then setting forth a guide for tomorrow’s decisions and results. Strategic planning is built on fundamental concepts: those current decisions are based on future conditions and results.
Important ingredients of strategic plans
1)    Market environment
            The first element is the existing market and the demand of the product or service that we want to produce or promote. We need to explore and analyze the market environment and pattern of demand.

2) Expertise and resources
              The available financial support, product design, manpower, plant and expertise for design, and manufacturing facility has to be assessed. The resources can be hired or bought by the management.
 3) Strategic policy
          The planning of operational strategy and execution is the inherent job of the management.  
3) Design and development
    OM also includes the product design, setting up the plant for production, improvement of design and marketing. The growth of the company depends upon hard work, right decision making, updates information system and promotion policy that provides new opportunities with innovated initiative. 


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