Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research.

Monday, 18 January 2016


  1. Analyzing organizational plans
  2. Demand forecasting
  3. Supply forecasting
  4. Estimating the net human resource requirements
  5. Action plan for redeployment, redundancy/retrenchment
  6. Forecast future supply from all the sources
  7. Action plan for recruitment, development
  8. 8. Modify the organizational plan
  9. 9. Retention plan
Analyzing organizational plans
       HRP should start with analyzing the organizational plan into production plan, technological plan, plan for expansion, diversification etc, marketing plan, sales plan, financial plan.
       Helps in forecasting the demand for human resources
Demand forecasting
       Review the existing job design and analysis keeping in view the future capabilities, knowledge and skills of present employees
       Forecasting of the quality of human resources (skill, knowledge values, capabilities etc) in addition to quantity of human resources
       Important forecasting methods are:
            a) managerial judgment, b) statistical techniques c) work study techniques
to obtain the data and information about the present human resource inventory
Estimating the net human resource requirements
The difference between overall human requirements and future supply of human resources is the Net HR Requirements
Action plan for redeployment, redundancy /retrenchment
       If future surplus is estimated, the orgn has to plan for redeployment, redundancy etc
       If surplus is estimated in some jobs/departments employees can be redeployed in other jobs/departments where the deficit of employees is estimated
       Orgn should also plan for training or reorientation before redeployment
       redeployment, redundancy /retrenchment programmes
       Lay offs
       Leave of absence without pay
       Work sharing
       Reduced work hours
       Voluntary retirement/early retirement
Forecast future supply from all the sources
If deficit is estimated in any department and in the entire organizations, management has to forecast the future supply of human resources from various sources
Action plan for recruitment, development
       Promotion plan
       Training and Development plan
       The Productivity plan
       Recruitment and selection plan
Modify the organizational plan
If future supply of HR from all the external sources is estimated to be inadequate or less than the requirements, the manpower planner has to suggest the management to alter or modify the organizational plan
Retention Plan
       Adjustment of the salary levels with those of the comparable industries so as to remove inequalities
       Providing opportunities for career development, provide training facilities, adopting the policy of promotion within, self development, challenging work assignment, systematic promotional procedure etc
       Introduction of effective consultation and negotiating machinery, grievance redressal, conflict resolution
       Extensive training and development facilities
       Selection procedure

       More conducive work environment and extensive fringe benefits
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